Friday, 11 April 2014

Shoryu - Kingly court

London, Soho in particular, is awash of the heavenly scent of bone broth with several ramen bars opening within the last couple of years. Not long after Tonkotsu opened on Dean Street, Bone Daddies followed suit, with Shoryu Ramen hot on their noodle tail. Londoner's have clearly got a taste for what they like with these ramen bars. All are frequently packed to the rafters, and Shoryu have certainly capitalised on this trend opening their 4th restaurant, all within walking distance.  The latest Shoryu opening is in Kingly Court, a small court just off the fashion shopping hell/heaven (delete where applicable) of Carnaby street. Despite a seemingly small place they've managed it well fitting in 55 covers including a few seats at the open plan kitchen so you can be a chef voyeur as you eat. Thankfully, they've got several tables outside if you want to relax and enjoy your food minus the chaotic buzz inside.


There is something comforting and humbling about eating ramen with the rich indulgent bone broth that is best eaten/drunk devoid of table manners slurping and splattering all over your dining companion. Not really one for first dates! In particular, their Peri peri tonkotsu is just what the doctor ordered if you are under the weather with enough heat to give any cold the heave-ho. Don't fancy ramen, they've also got plenty of sides, including another in vogue dish, hirata buns with pork belly or chicken kara age.
A surprising treat from their opening was the tempura brussel sprout, something I wouldn't have expected to recommend but try for yourself

Shoryu Ganso Tonkotsu - Pork broth and BBQ pork
All sorts of sushi

Wasabi noodles

Shoryu Ramen - Kingly court, Carnaby Street

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